Friday, March 09, 2012

Game Change, fact or fiction?

Julianne Moore

by Janet Donovan
Photo credit: Neshan H. Naltchayan

It's a matter of 'he said, she said' in the Palin/McCain camp vs. the authors/producers camp.

Over 500 guests showed up at the Washington premiere of HBO's Game Change at The Newseum to decide for themselves.  

Game Change is a fascinating, riveting and spellbinding look behind the scenes of McCain's 2008 presidential campaign and the selection of Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate..........and it's consequences as seen through the eyes of McCain strategist Steve Schmidt.  

The movie is based on the book Game Change by veteran political operatives Mark Halperin and John Heilemann.

In their own words with thanks to my colleagues from left to right :

On the Red Carpet: